Monday, February 3, 2014

This is an old letter I gave to Paris Jackson time ago that resurfaced today.
-sherry bretz

Paris none can judge you. You are extraordinarily beautiful. The world is unbalanced. Just because you see more deeply than others and feel more deeply than some people  might try to condemn you out of jealousy or resentment or petty meanness. When you live in your world the media will always twist things and portray you as someone you aren't. I discovered that quickly the night you broke down. I knew you weren't upset for the reasons they said or unbalanced or trying to get negative attention. You merely just wanted someone to talk to and get the pressure off your back so you could have some peace and quite and calmness in your life to feel human again. Glad you got that. I'm glad you've been kept from the public eye and away from the spotlight to go inward and nurture yourself. We all have an inner child. I always knew you were exceptionally strong and artistic. You just cared so much for others everything affecting them and happening in the universe brought you down. I'm glad you're taking time out for yourself and learning to give in a way that doesn't drain you and cost you everything. You give with your whole heart and soul and when you fall you fall hard. You've been through things other teens haven't and you have lived an extraordinary life! You live a life none has ever known. None has walked in your shoes. That makes you original. Let people talk. They always will. They'll complain about the bad, they'll complain about the good. If it was raining they'd wish for sunlight. If it was sunny they'd wish for rain. Just please yourself. I never thought you believed in the sort of field that tries to make you into someone you aren't. I am so glad you are getting in touch with who you truly are so you can be so happy and self assured. You be at peace. My mother always told me to be my own person. She said people may not understand me and bully me but I'd be proud. She said leaders make their own way so others will follow. You are a pioneer Paris. You think differently. You do things differently because there's only one you. People will try to destroy your spirit. People will try to break you down. It may be lonely sometimes but you have to march to the beat of your drum. I didn't discover until I was much older what my dear sweet mother meant. When you grow up and look back you'll be so grateful you were special and different because none will be like you anywhere and you'll touch lives and inspire people and have so many followers and people desperate to be like you it will help you see the difference original people make. You'll be so proud! Just keep loving yourself! You will always be extra special and one of a kind!

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