Thursday, January 9, 2014

Friends are sending me links and information today on gang stalking for the first time ever. I have been writing on this subject matter for a very long time trying to get to the bottom of the source and discover the reason and shed some light to prevent it from happening to other people. I knew originally it was linked to Satanism. I just didn't know how dark and ridiculous this goes. It's no frightening or intimidating to have people who are possessed or mentally sick harassing me. I've been through many stages and my mind has been through various forms of torture. I have decided that these people are really speaking to Lucifer. There is no doubt in my mind they are getting power through dark entities. They are really fighting to possess because they really do possess people. They have destroyed my body but they couldn't beat my spirit or my heart so now they work on my mind and my heart. Each night the damage to my heart worsens and I'm swelling now, having discomfort at night and dizziness and weakness but my spirit is strong. I always see the light. These psychic vampires won't steal my light because I am always seeing the light through angels and God. They have nothing I want. They want you afraid. They want you to give more people the power. Weaken and broken you make easy prey to these weak people. I will never be broken because I have God and even if they zap my energy for power they'll never harm me mentally or spiritually. I am really not even a morsel for them because they can't separate me from the mind of Jesus. When we are weakest we are strong through relying on Christ. I have had to rely on Christ so much through this spiritually and more heavily the past three years because they want something. They hate it if I dream or send my mind elsewhere or invent things and grow spiritually or cast my cares into the beyond because they want possession and to instill fear by never leaving and waiting for my soul. My strength- faith over illusion, love over hate, dreams over fear. The illusion is that they are powerful. They are not powerful unless you surrender. If you do not think you are beaten or believe your are inferior they will have no power I wrote about these things before they started happening to me. What they use is technology to weaken you. They try separating you from God through modern technology that hacks your brain and ritual with Satanists noticed they put my book cover on a movie poster 'The Last Exorcism'.They say this movie was based on me. They intend to do to my character what they do to hers at the end. I designed the cover of a book for my best friend 'Sister Alwinia' because she asked me to. I wrote a story about her called 'A Farmers Daughter' to keep her memory alive. It was to lead other people to God and use her faith and legacy to instill hope and create miracles for people which she worked in her life here on earth. The book was white with red letters. I chose the white for her purity and the red and black to get noticed and I put her cross at the. I wanted anyone who noticed the cross to be lured to the book and connected to Jesus. After the book was released someone sent me the link to a movie poster for Roths movie. Sure enough it had my cover with her cross at the top and a disfigured character that was possessed in a distorted shape wearing Sister Alwinias big shoes. I was upset they put the words 'Believe in him' beneath the cross. They mean Lucifer. They did not tarnish her beautiful memory or make me fear Lucifer. They did not make me think they had undone my work in writing and publishing the book. Long before the book was written they stole everything I created and even broke in my hotel in vegas to steal a laptop which I reported to the venetian hotel. They broke in my home which I reported to the police. One night they left dead mice in my home impaled and my cat bashed in the head. They want me to think they are always there. They want me to think they are always watching in spite of my resistance. No matter how many times I go to the police this cult is protected. They will never possesses me like they say they will because I am too strong and powerful through God. I have seen God. He has shown me his love. Horror is a fiction story to me. It isn't reality. I don't desire evil things. I have no desire and feel no power in evil. You have to want possession. I merely am not drawn to darkness I turn away. It is not fascinating to me. It is not exciting. It's as simple as flipping a light switch. Evil has no power if you are not passionate about evil or surrender your will. My will is my own. They can use force. They can't use technology. Nothing can separate me from God and all my angels in heaven. Not their magic and their potions

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