Friday, February 21, 2014

We're living in an age where nothing makes sense because the truth gets buried and satan is trying to deceive mankind through rewriting the past, destroying biblical truth and building his own empire. Nothing written in history books can explain the phenomenal occurrences happening in the world today. Only the bible can explain the battle of good and evil and the supernatural forces we see governing the planet today. The bible foretold the future but didn't modern weapons. Only God can help when demons possess the living  In my story 'In Satan We Trust' the world grew more wicked through time as man got weaker  and spoiled through new inventions and toys. Knowledge has given man power to destroy the human race. Everything is happening according to the bible that was written centuries ago and man in still in denial that Satan exists.  Man has allowed himself to be seduced for a cheap price. There is a spirutal battle taking place. This is the battle of the ages We have reached the Age Of Destruction-I(n Satan We Trust by Sherry Bretz copyright(c) 1998)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

  1. What will happen when the stupid women who serve this dark order see they are no longer of any use? What are they going to do when their hubbies or bosses start using the same untraceable weapons on them they use on me and turn them to dust. They'll probably steal their kids or push them back to the cave man days? that's what's coming. I hope every one of the dumb greedy selfish people who worked at the publishing companies that stole peoples work and ridiculed christians to build Satan/s empire has to wake up to reality and realize that power is in the wrong hands and they are enslaved and made to perform like a test roden or somebody's lap dog and lose all decency and dignity. The modern age has pretty much stripped people of Godly things. They will have a rude awakening  when they discover how much this cult hates women and children and their plans to dispose of both and breed by unnatural means to produce receive their punishment . That's my future forecast
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  2. I don't understand anything about foreign policies. I just know I'm sick to death of being robbed by a famous group that thinks women and children are predator bait and only homosexuals and satanists can earn a profit from their work. They sure don't mind stealing to make money for their head hunting, chauvinistic hate oriented coven but they scream hater
    and homophobia and racism every time they are challenged and their crimes are addressed. There has to be an outlet. I have been trying to escape but can't with the following people they use. It's like they want me to die slowly and suffer. What I don't understand is if this is happening to other people besides me why aren't they working with companies that are against criminal behavior and hacking and mobsters? Isn't there any place on the planet where christians can work and prosper and righteous people won't be bullied? I've written too many scripts and books that were stolen by thieves. Is there a place abroad where I can freely work and not give up my citizenship and be able to contribute to something wholesome and beautiful? Russia is my first choice because it's new. I'm getting a approached now by a guy at putins art page who says he works for Ukraine and Moscow film companies. He seems to mostly work with NWO actors. When I asked if he worked for Warner Brothers and he didn't answer I became afraid to trust him. This dark group sends people to my google page and every account . i can't go to linkedin or anyplace they aren't. Many are NWO types with stock and ivm stock listed at their site and illuminati symbols. They may have famous armies that just seek out new material. from me and say they suck my blood but I should be free. I was wondering why the president will approve of trade agreements with mexico and canada but not conduct business with every country? If the world is going to divide shouldn't we be able to decide where to work? IT's crazy to keep people in limbo. i just imagined I'd grow old the United States Of America and have a comfortable future because we planned and saved wisely. I still want to be productive and do positive things. If they can steal from me why in the hell can't i publish and do stories in russia and china. the actors that make money aren't putting it in this country? I won't work for a film company abroad if they are affiliated with any of the ones that rip me off. Does anyone know anything about global business law? I see plenty of corporations moving to Ireland. This group will kill me if i try to work abroad. They torture me when I send my own material places on line. They think this stalking crew with the weapons can torture me and steal until they'd destroyed every part of me.The gay army doesn't like resistance. They are committing so many crimes they are giving the sane homosexuals a bad name. It's like the slaves of the bygone errs got together and built and empire off filth and crime and porn and theft and tried to cry racism around the world. No difference. There is no way sex is being used to unite people. The sex card is being used to divide and have an excuse to conquer and take people elsewhere. It isn't sex. I just wonder why people can't find their own circle to work with that won't steal. If you know let me know. People are too tolerant. Satan's empire is growing I have four new stories but I won't share them with any thieving film company. copyright(c)2014 Sherry L Bretz 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

o    People are becoming possessed. Mind control, technology and satanic influence has a lot to do with it. Look at the media and current films. Until someone stops it, addresses the evil and witchcraft, voodoo and spells today and gets the country back on track through prayer and wise biblical truth to converse with god and seek help we are held captive beneath the spell of Satan and tyranny. The air force built a pagan temple with hard earned tax dollars. What other shrines are we building? Why are so many weapons given dark names and Hollywood paying tribute to the military unlike ever before and putting real life political drama in movies that should be considered top secret? It’s evil and unnatural to behave this way. People are treating the government like it’s a part of the motion picture business. They should just paint the white house black and make it  

the new playboy mansion once they destroy the constitution and replace Christianity with Satanism.   People aren’t running this country who have everybody’s best interest at heart and real life health and survival is more important than vanity and greed and playing a hero form a fantasy movie or a mafia leader with a lust for blood, sex and drugs. The entertainment industry went down the dark road. The government was supposed to keep things clean and strengthen unity and heal the country through intelligent leaders and good hearted believers and receivers of Gods truth and wisdom and support the constitution to keep patriotism alive and people proud of their nation.

I was surprised when I went to the store to buy a flash drive and noticed they had Black op flash drives on the shelf. The message is loud and clear. You see too much skull merchandise everywhere and killer video games and movies. Everything is dark. Look on a cd cover batman and iron man and the latest music cds have devil horns or something voodoo or satanic hidden in the background. Black for evil. Weak people have come hypnotized and seduced and fallen into darkness. The world is going into darkness. In the story ‘In Satan We Trust’ I made Satan responsible for rebuilding the world to suit his master plan to lead everyone into hell. He use his toys and drugs like the pied piper used the flute to lead the children astray. People blindly obey like blind mice and follow the beat of another person’s drum and all act the same. People haven't woke up. I am being stalked and tortured by people who sometimes wear military clothes that are affiliated with hackers who have terrorist technology that can shock me in my bed and even kill people. When I goggled to find out what black ops meant I wasn't the least surprised to see there’s a new game out with black ops where the United States military complex is hijacked by terrorists. I see too much evil through a network of hackers on my computer that maliciously secretly steal for the film people and publishers. It’s a whole army. When we have our life's work stolen and our rights taken away it creates fear. It's been one violation after another. They enjoy suffering. This army is growing through film and publishing, media and private soldiers that are working against the American people. Special trained soldiers work against me and steal my work and torture me in my bed while monitoring me through surveillance. If they would do this to me wouldn’t they do the same to your life’s dreams and destroy your happiness and health? They are using psychology to hurt people and turn people violent.. They actually gang stalk you to get into your head to do detrimental damage and base your work on your suffering when they put it in film and books. If they would prey on a vulnerable writer at conference and children and hack universities wouldn’t they steal from your corporation? How many corporations have their own armies these days? They monitor me and try to set people up through harassment home invasion and pain through their torture weapons   after they’ve committed crimes against innocent Americans they are rewarded financially and in other ways while the victims lives are destroyed. How many tax dollars are funding terrorists? They’ve turned me into a  zombie through their mind assaults. I battled a whole army for years without even realizing it was an army I was battling. They portray themselves as so many different people have contacts in every profession and network every day for sport profit and Satan. The damage they do to our brains is so we are never the same. Our bodies are shot. They want slaves. The movie 'Olympus' is down features an attack by North Koreans on the white house. In the film they destroy the Whitehouse. Weird how Hollywood always knows what lies ahead. Makes you think Hollywood is working with Washington and they are all just working the system to control the mindless followers. After Hollywood motion picture companies steal my work why do they put my stories and real life suffering in their product like a sacrifice? I’m not their trophy.. They’ve teamed up for satanic power. I think God prepared me as I was sitting on the couch writing this story with my mother years ago to let me know what was to come. I could see these things before they happened. I could see victims of energy weapons. I think evil modern weapons have fallen into the hands of the wrong people and companies are spreading them around like candy to soldiers and junkies. The people who govern our lives no longer have a heart to do so. They make the decisions that govern our lives, shape the world and bring peace or destruction. I guess everything is going dark. It's says in the bible demons resent the light. There is a battle taking place between the forces of good and evil. People deny this. Evil spreads. Look at all the dearth Vader stuff, devil horns and people behaving the same.. Satan is rising.

Monday, February 3, 2014

This is an old letter I gave to Paris Jackson time ago that resurfaced today.
-sherry bretz

Paris none can judge you. You are extraordinarily beautiful. The world is unbalanced. Just because you see more deeply than others and feel more deeply than some people  might try to condemn you out of jealousy or resentment or petty meanness. When you live in your world the media will always twist things and portray you as someone you aren't. I discovered that quickly the night you broke down. I knew you weren't upset for the reasons they said or unbalanced or trying to get negative attention. You merely just wanted someone to talk to and get the pressure off your back so you could have some peace and quite and calmness in your life to feel human again. Glad you got that. I'm glad you've been kept from the public eye and away from the spotlight to go inward and nurture yourself. We all have an inner child. I always knew you were exceptionally strong and artistic. You just cared so much for others everything affecting them and happening in the universe brought you down. I'm glad you're taking time out for yourself and learning to give in a way that doesn't drain you and cost you everything. You give with your whole heart and soul and when you fall you fall hard. You've been through things other teens haven't and you have lived an extraordinary life! You live a life none has ever known. None has walked in your shoes. That makes you original. Let people talk. They always will. They'll complain about the bad, they'll complain about the good. If it was raining they'd wish for sunlight. If it was sunny they'd wish for rain. Just please yourself. I never thought you believed in the sort of field that tries to make you into someone you aren't. I am so glad you are getting in touch with who you truly are so you can be so happy and self assured. You be at peace. My mother always told me to be my own person. She said people may not understand me and bully me but I'd be proud. She said leaders make their own way so others will follow. You are a pioneer Paris. You think differently. You do things differently because there's only one you. People will try to destroy your spirit. People will try to break you down. It may be lonely sometimes but you have to march to the beat of your drum. I didn't discover until I was much older what my dear sweet mother meant. When you grow up and look back you'll be so grateful you were special and different because none will be like you anywhere and you'll touch lives and inspire people and have so many followers and people desperate to be like you it will help you see the difference original people make. You'll be so proud! Just keep loving yourself! You will always be extra special and one of a kind!